The B Side Page 32
Park Avenue (Broadway show), 108
Parker, Charlie, 113–14, 234
Passman, Arnold, 131
Pastore, John, 194
Paul, Les, 136–37
payola, 23, 34, 187, 197–99
“Peel Me a Grape,” 239
Peer, Ralph, 72, 84, 96, 97
“Peg o’ My Heart,” 118, 131–32
“Peggy Sue,” 246
Penn, Dan, 245
“People Get Ready,” 243n, 247
“People Will Say We’re in Love,” 105
“Perdido,” 96
Pet Sounds (Wilson), 259–60
Peter Gunn (TV show), 207
Peter Pan (Broadway show), 168–70
Peter Pan (movie), 106
Peterson, Oscar, 230
Petrillo, James Caesar, 94, 129, 132, 166
Petrillo Ban, 94–95, 129, 130, 166
Phillips, Flip, 230
Piantadosi, Al, 35
“Pick Yourself Up,” 5
“Picture That Is Turned Toward the Wall, The,” 32
“Piece of My Heart,” 219
Pied Pipers, 95
Pipe Dream (Broadway show), 216
Pirate, The (movie), 105
“Pistol Packin’ Mama,” 93
Pitney, Gene, 253
Pizzarelli, Bucky, 119
Platters, 223
“Play, Fiddle, Play,” 61–64
“Please Say Goodnight to the Guy, Irene,” 154
“Polka Dots and Moonbeams,” 74
Pollack, Ben, 66
Poni-Tails, 217
popular music: African-American influence, 51–52, 176–77, 180–81, 247–49; baion beat, 250, 254; blending of genres, 119–20, 243–44; dissemination, 50–51; early cultural influences, 50–57; early geniuses, 36–38; first modern American song, 36; midwestern urban centers for, 247–49; old-fashioned sound, 119–20, 152, 211; poor postwar quality, 10–11, 117–18, 121–23; sentimentality, 32, 56, 88–90, 115–16, 138; simplicity, 33, 242–43; “songbook” concept, 231; special effects, 134–39; standards, attributes and definitions, 1–3, 5–6, 9–10, 51, 222–24; suggestive lyrics, 23, 57, 180; technology and, 38–44, 200–201, 232; vocalists, 44, 90–91, 94–96, 137–39. See also specific genres
Porgy and Bess (Broadway show), 48, 52, 140
Porter, Cole: Broadway work, 47, 106, 107, 215; earnings, 43n; formula for hits, 53; among great writers, 3, 36, 54; Hollywood work, 102, 105; lyrical skill, 3, 40–41, 78; musical training, 37, 61; suggestive lyrics, 180; television score, 216
“Practice Makes Perfect,” 85
“Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition,” 87
“Prelude to a Kiss,” 205
Prescott, Norm, 199
Presley, Elvis, 11, 20, 123, 178, 179, 185, 210
Price, Ray, 246
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (movie), 208
Prine, John, 262
publishers. See record and publishing industries
“Put On a Happy Face,” 163, 218
Putman, Curley, 245
“Quality Time,” 240
“Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be),” 11, 181–82
radio: ASCAP suit against, 21–23, 186–87, 196–97, 220; big-band broadcasts, 69; black and teenage demographic groups, 176–77; boycott of ASCAP songs, 21, 83–86, 93; congressional hearings, 144–46, 187–96; creation and ownership of BMI, 20–21; deejays’ influence and payola, 129–32, 161, 186, 187, 197–99; FM band, 211; licensing and royalties, 7, 42, 83, 86, 128–29; music programming, 17–19, 129, 186, 211
“Rags to Riches,” 24, 160–61
Rainey, Ma, 52
R&B, 176–77, 243–44
Randle, Bill, 161
Ravens, 176
Rawls, Lou, 257
Ray, Johnnie, 24, 138–39, 184
Razor’s Edge, The (movie), 118
record and publishing industries: A&R men, 17; Billboard charts and, 7, 71; buyouts by movie studios, 49; creation of BMI, 20–21; disc formats, 38, 200–201, 232; independent labels, 176; Los Angeles hub, 255–58; Motown model, 248, 253; payola system, 23, 34, 187, 197–99; Petrillo Ban, 94–95, 129, 166; plugging to deejays, 127–28, 130–33; royalties and copyright law, 7, 38–39, 83, 129; sales figures, 39, 69–70, 115, 117, 210; sheet music, 17, 33–34, 43–44, 83, 128; song plugging to, 26–27, 61–63, 131, 149, 150; Wrecking Crew, 256, 257, 259
“Red Rose,” 117
“Red Sails in the Sunset,” 223
Redding, Otis, 244, 246
“Remember Pearl Harbor,” 87
Renard, Jacques, 90
“Respect,” 244
Rex (Broadway show), 221
Rey, Alvino, 112
Reynolds, Debbie, 183
Reynolds, Herbert, 36
rhythm and blues, 176–77, 243–44
Rice, Robert, 26, 140
Rich, Frank, 231
Richards, Carol, 124
Richards, Johnny, 164, 233
Richards, Stan, 198–99
Richmond, Howie, 132–33, 143, 165
“Rickety Rickshaw Man, The,” 97
“Ricochet Romance,” 150
Riddle, Nelson, 127, 166, 227–28, 231
“Riders in the Sky (A Cowboy Legend),” 119
Righteous Brothers, 255
Ring-a-Ding-Ding! (Sinatra), 229
Rivers, Johnny, 258–59
Road to Morocco (movie), 5
Robbins, Jerome, 168
Robbins, Marty, 250
Robin, Leo, 15, 106, 222, 246
Robinson, William “Smokey,” 12, 248, 249
rock and roll: attacks on, 178–80, 183, 193–94; Beatles, 213, 261–63; black artists, 180–81; early songs, 11, 143, 150, 173; electric sound, 213; Presley, 178; renditions of standards, 222–23; sixties sounds, 210–11
“Rock Around the Clock,” 135, 173, 178
rockaballads, 204–5, 244
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” 8
“Rockin’ Chair,” 72
Rodgers, Jimmie, 11
Rodgers, Mary, 162
Rodgers, Richard: Broadway work, 47, 104–5, 107, 216–17, 219, 221; training, 37; death, 221; among great writers, 3–4, 36; introverted personality, 38; on Peter Pan score, 170; on rock music, 219–20; television score, 200
Rogers, Ginger, 5, 108
“Roll Over Beethoven,” 261
Rolontz, Bob, 244
Romberg, Sigmund, 48
Ronettes, 255
Ronstadt, Linda, 9, 51, 260
Rose, Billy, 188
Rose, David, 207
Rosen, Gary, 48
Ross, Annie, 236
Ross, Jerry, 151, 154–55, 160–61, 163, 167
“’Round Midnight,” 234
“Roving Kind, The,” 143–44
royalties: ASCAP oversight of, 7, 42–43, 83, 86; copyright law, 7, 38–39, 41–42, 181; cut-in practice, 97; distribution to various entities, 41; ledgers of, 7–8; Petrillo Ban and, 94–95
Ruby, Harry, 182, 194, 232
“Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” 8, 123
“Ruler of My Heart,” 242
Russell, Leon, 256, 257
Ryan, Sylvester J., 196–97
Rydell, Bobby, 210
“’S Wonderful,” 52
’S Wonderful (Conniff), 203
Sachs, Manie, 155
Sadoff, Robert, 13, 164
“Same Old Story,” 85
Sammy Swings (Davis), 228
Sandburg, Carl, 121
Sanjek, Russell, 131, 188
Saratoga (Broadway show), 216
Saroyan, William, 142
Night (Is the Loneliest Night of the Week),” 75, 88
“Save the Last Dance for Me,” 254
“Says My Heart,” 75
Schifrin, Lalo, 207
Schirmer, Gus, 45
Schwartz, Arthur: in ASCAP suit against BMI, 22; background and early work, 13–14; Broadway work, 15–16, 27–28; collaborators, 14–16, 75, 108; at congressional hearing, 193; on decline in song airplay, 17–18, 19, 193; among great writers, 14; Hollywood work, 15, 16; Mitch Miller meeting, 16, 27–28; status and prestige, 3, 13–14, 16, 27
Schwartz v. Broadcast Music, Inc., 21–23, 186–87, 196–97, 220
“Scottish Samba, The,” 135
Searchers, 257
“Searchin’,” 261
Sears, Al, 143
Sebastian, John, 260
Sedaka, Neil, 254
Seldes, Gilbert, 50, 52
“Send for Me,” 204
“Send In the Clowns,” 152
“September in the Rain,” 223
Setting Standards (Jarrett), 1
Shall We Dance (movie), 5, 76–77
Shaw, Arnold, 25, 122–23, 126, 127–28, 206
Shaw, Artie, 6, 66
“Sh-Boom,” 180–81
“She Loves You,” 213
Shearing, George, 203
Sheed, Wilfrid, 10, 109, 117–18, 216
sheet music, 17, 33–34, 43–44, 83, 128
“Sheik of Araby, The,” 223
Sherman, Al, 209
Sherman, Joe and Noel, 175
Sherman, Richard M. and Robert B., 209
Shire, David, 208
Shirelles, 254
Shirl, Jimmy, 143
Shoestring Revue (Broadway show), 162
Shore, Dinah, 69, 89, 92, 101, 103, 118, 135, 199–200
Show Boat (Broadway show), 48
Shuffle Along (Broadway show), 52
“Sidewalks of New York, The,” 32
Sigman, Carl, 143
Silk Stockings (Broadway show), 215
Sillman, Leonard, 161
“Silver Bells,” 124
Simms, Ginny, 91
Simon, Bill, 232–33
Simon, George T., 67, 122
Simon, Joe, 245
Simon, Paul, 245, 260–61
Sinatra, Frank: appeal to teenage girls, 91; as big-band vocalist, 64, 91; career turn-around, 25, 166, 226–28; hit singles, 94, 156, 166, 200, 211–12, 237, 256; interpretations of songs, 44, 55; Mitch Miller feud, 25–26, 142–46, 147; on poor quality of songs, 118, 122; on rock and roll, 179; solo career, 91–92, 204; swing versions of standards, 227–29; vocal qualities, 91, 137
Sinatra’s Swingin’ Session!!!, 227–28
“Sing, Sing, Sing,” 90
Sing Along with Mitch (Miller), 146
Sissle, Noble, 52
“Sit Down, You’re Rocking the Boat,” 156
Six Hits and a Miss, 95
“Sixty Minute Man,” 180
“Skylark,” 69, 74
Skylarks, 95
Slack, Freddy, 94
“Slipping Around,” 119
“Small Fry, 75
Smith, Bessie, 52
Smith, Mamie, 52
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” 223
“So in Love,” 107
“Solitude,” 75
“Some Enchanted Evening,” 105
“Somebody Else Is Taking My Place,” 89
“Someone to Watch Over Me,” 55
Something Cool (Christy), 231
“Something Stupid,” 256
“Something to Live For,” 77
“Something to Remember You By,” 89
Somewhere (Jarrett), 1
Sondheim, Stephen, 151–52, 214, 216, 218
“Song Is You, The,” 92
Song of Surrender (movie), 102
Song Spinners, 94
Songs for Swingin’ Lovers! (Sinatra), 227–28
Songs for Young Lovers (Sinatra), 227–28
songwriters: adaptations for shortened recording format, 39–41; ASCAP royalties system, 42–43; in Brill Building, 4, 19, 149–51; career potential, 32, 34–35; disillusionment with new music, 222; early geniuses, 36–38; income streams and payment models, 7–8, 17, 34, 41, 49, 97, 243; Jews among, 8, 14, 51, 52–54, 151; musical literacy, 37, 152–53; singer-songwriters, 213, 246; song plugging, 26–27, 61–63, 131, 149, 150; status and recognition, 6–7, 34; in Tin Pan Alley, 4, 49
“Sophisticated Lady,” 75
soul music, 244, 248–49
Sound of Music, The (Broadway show), 200, 216, 235
“Sounds of Silence, The,” 261
South Pacific (Broadway show), 104, 200
“Spanish Harlem,” 254–55
Spector, Phil, 254–56
Spellman, Benny, 242
Spina, Harold, 171
“Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most,” 236, 237
Springer, Phil, 151, 154
Springfield, Dusty, 257
“Square in the Social Circle, A,” 100
St. Louis Woman (Broadway show), 106
Stafford, Jo, 92, 94, 121, 163, 206
“Stand by Me,” 255
standards, attributes and definitions, 1–3, 5–6, 9–10, 51, 222–24
Star! (movie), 208–9
Star Is Born, A (Broadway show), 108
“Stardust,” 55, 72
Stardust (Nelson), 9
“Stars Fell on Alabama,” 1
“Steam Heat,” 155, 163, 167
“Stein Song,” 60
Steiner, Max, 207
“Steppin’ Out with My Baby,” 56
Stern, Joseph W., 33
Stevenson, William “Mickey,” 241
Stewart, Michael, 218
Stewart, Rod, 9–10
Stillman, Al, 59, 150, 205
Stoller, Mike, 176, 248, 254–55
“Stone’s Throw from Heaven, A,” 85
Stordahl, Axel, 91
Stork Club, The (movie), 100
“Stormy Weather,” 52, 73
“Story of My Life, The,” 250
Storz, Todd, 186
“Straighten Up and Fly Right,” 125
“Strange Fruit,” 243n
“Strange Little Girl, The,” 160
“Stranger in Paradise,” 159
“Strangers in the Night,” 228, 256
Strayhorn, Billy, 76, 77
Streisand, Barbra, 154n, 218
“Strip Polka,” 94
Strong, Barrett, 248
Strouse, Charles, 151, 152, 162–63, 217–18
Student Prince, The (Broadway show), 48
“Stuff Like That There,” 99–100
Styne, Jule: on attributes of standards, 2–3; Broadway work, 106–7, 169, 214, 218; among great writers, 4; Hollywood work, 50, 74–75; wartime songs, 88
Summer Holiday (movie), 108
“Summer Samba,” 238
“Summertime,” 223, 235, 247
Supremes, 258
“Surfer Girl,” 259
“Surfin’,” 259
“Surfin’ Safari,” 259
“Surfin’ U.S.A.”, 11, 259
“Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The,” 105
Swampers, 245
“Sweetheart of My Dreams,” 35
swing: renditions of standards, 224–29; vs. sweet jazz style, 65–69, 71–72, 115–16
Swing Easy! (Sinatra), 227–28
Swing Time (movie), 5
Swingin’ Affair!, A (Sinatra), 227–28
“Swingin’ on a Star,” 74
“Take Back Your Mink,” 156
Take Me Along (Broadw
ay show), 218
“Take Me in Your Arms,” 57
“Talkin’ New Bob Dylan Blues,” 212
“Tall Paul,” 209
Tamiment resort, 162
“Tammy,” 182–83, 206
Tammy and the Bachelor (movie), 182
Taubman, Howard, 138–39
Taylor, James, 262
Teachout, Terry, 75
Teagarden, Jack, 66, 112
“Teasin’,” 154
Teddy Bears, 244
television musicals, 170, 172, 199–200, 216, 229
Temptations, 249
“Tender Shepherd,” 169
Tender Trap, The (movie), 229
“Tenderly,” 20
“Tennessee Newsboy,” 144
“Tennessee Waltz, The,” 21, 120, 160
“That Lucky Old Sun,” 24
“That Old Gang of Mine,” 59
“That’ll Be the Day,” 11, 246, 261
“That’s Amore,” 108
“That’s Entertainment,” 16
“There Goes My Baby,” 254
“There Will Never Be Another You,” 5
“(There’ll Be Blue Birds over) The White Cliffs of Dover,” 87
“(There’s) Always Something There to Remind Me,” 250
“There’s More to the Kiss Than the X-X-X,” 46
“There’s No You,” 234
“These Arms of Mine,” 244
“They All Laughed,” 5
“They Can’t Take That Away from Me,” 5, 6, 76–77, 78
“They Didn’t Believe Me,” 36
“They Say It’s Wonderful,” 107
“They’re Either Too Young or Too Old,” 75
“Thing, The,” 133
“Think for Yourself,” 262
Third Man, The (movie), 136
“This Is Where I Come In,” 258
“This Magic Moment,” 254
“This Was a Real Nice Clambake,” 105
Thomas, Irma, 242, 257
Thomas Crown Affair, The (movie), 208
Thomson, Virgil, 22, 140
Thornton, Willie Mae “Big Mama,” 176
“Three Little Words,” 60
“Thrill Me!,” 57
“Ticket to Ride,” 262
“Tico Tico no Fubá,” 96
“Till the End of Time,” 96
“Till There Was You,” 179, 223
Tillman, Floyd, 176
Tilton, Martha, 68, 99
“Times They Are A-Changing, The,” 243n
Tin Pan Alley. See popular music; songwriters
Tinturin, Peter, 64
“Tip-Toe Thru the Tulips with Me,” 59–60
“To Each His Own,” 101, 223
“To Know Him Is to Love Him,” 244
Tobias, Fred, 217
Tokens, 257